リビアの旅 LIBYA vol.8 / Sabratha (2010)

- Sabratha  サブラタ -

Perhaps they were conceptually aware that everything is a collection of cells and particles, like blocks.

概念的に気付いていたのかも。 全てはブロックのような細胞や粒子の集合体なのだと。

The endless questions and fantasies. This walk allows me to be a child.

止まぬ疑問と空想。 この散歩は、子供になれる。

The cobblestones remained. In lieu of what more wanted to remain.

石畳が残った。 もっと残ってほしかったものを差し置いて。

Like a puzzle, I enjoy making history add up.


The column pattern near the distant ceiling, once probably only seen during construction. The 3x zoom made it easy to see.

遠い天井近くの柱模様、かつては建設中にしか見られなかっただろう。 三倍ズームが難なく見せてくれた。

Whatever ruins are sunk, for someone, it is an ocean to swim in.


There are still countless laws waiting to be discovered by someone else.


Sometimes it is worthwhile to look back. Because when you are far away, you will see a different beauty.

時々、後ろを振り返ることも大切。 遠くなると、別の美しさを見せるから。

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