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- Tadrart Acacus タドラルト・アカクス -
Colors diminishing. Into the depths of the desert.
Thanks for waiting for me.
If there is no water, the wind carries everything, of course, hair and shit.
水が無いなら、風が運ぶ。 髪の毛も糞も。
Everything becomes sand, goldfish too.
Tonight's campsite. All the desert in this area is reserved for us.
今夜のキャンプ地。 この辺の砂漠、貸し切り。
Perhaps humans are the only living creatures that feel the savory smell of roasting meat is delicious. Just the four of us, within the reach of this smell.
肉を焼く香ばしい匂いを、美味しそうと感じる生き物は、もしかしたら人間だけ。 この匂いが届く範囲に、僕ら4人だけ。
Faces and voices dissolve into darkness, and we all become similar.
Before dawn, a Muslim driver was praying. What am I doing with the time he devotes to praying in his lifetime?
夜明け前、ムスリムのドライバーが祈っていた。 彼が一生で祈りに捧げる時間を、僕は何に使っているのだろうか。
Last night was the most soundless night I have ever lived. I listen to silence for the first time.
昨晩は、生きてきた中で一番、音の無い夜だった。 はじめて、無音を聴いた。
This desert breakfast is a taste we will never forget. For you, it's an everyday thing.
この砂漠の朝食は一生忘れられない味、僕らにとっては。 君らにとっては日常茶飯事。