イギリスの旅 UK / London - Dover (2003)

- London  ロンドン -

What greeted me was cloudy skies, as hoped for.


A rigid red crosses in front of me, and the cold air hits my face.

横切る、硬質の赤。 顔に当たる、冷たい空気。

Oh London!                                                                  

The people, the sounds, the smells, in Piccadilly Circus. A name I've known for a long time, yet meaningless, finally has meaning.

ピカデリーサーカスに、人、音、におい。 ずっと前から知っていて、でも無意味だった名称が、ようやく意味を持つ。

The luxury of watching "The Phantom of the Opera" on a whim because I happened to have some free time.

通りすがりに「オペラ座の怪人」。 時計だけ確認して鑑賞決定という贅沢。

What is created in the East and what is created in the West. Branching off from the distant past is still expanding the world.

東で創られるもの。西で創られるもの。 遠い昔の枝分かれが、今も世界を拡げている。

Like water, like gas, the human flows underground.


This morning's air from above the ground blows into the underground filled with yesterday.

地下に充満する昨日。 地上から今朝の空気。

- to Dover  ドーヴァー へ -

Early morning train to the Straits of Dover. Cold sandwiches, lukewarm hot coffee, and moderate sleepiness.

ドーヴァー海峡へ向かう早朝の電車。 冷たいサンドイッチ、ぬるいホットコーヒー、ほどよい眠気。

Behind the fog, I saw the red brick town for a moment. It quickly faded away, and I can't remember it any better than the dream I had last night.

霧の向こう、一瞬だけ見えた赤レンガの街。 すぐに消えて、昨夜の夢より思い出せない。

Every time the train shakes, the balance between sleep and wakefulness is shaken.


- Dover  ドーヴァー -

Take a break.


- Strait of Dover  ドーヴァー海峡 -

Only those who grew up on the island can understand the special feelings of heading to the continent.
