リビアの旅 LIBYA vol.5 / Ubari (2010)

- Ubari  ウバリ -

I came a long way. I still don't want a magic door that can take me anywhere in a second.

はるばる来た。 どこでもドアは、やっぱり欲しくないかな。

A world without straight lines, similar to where I was before my birth.

直線の無い世界。 生まれる前に似た。

Always being swept away by the wind. It does not have a perfected form, but is always being perfected.

風にさらさら。 完成型を持たないのではなく、常に完成されている。

It burns, turns to black and white ashes, and over a long period of time, becomes the color of human again.


I spread sand. No trace of it remained. Pleasantly, the sea of sand was exactly the same as it had been three seconds before.

砂を撒いた。 その痕跡は残らなかった。 気持ちいいくらい、3秒前と同じ砂の海だった。

When the wind blows, the sand liquefies.


Speed 80km/h. No obstacles, but still a scary dune drive.

時速80km。 障害物は無いけど、やっぱり怖い砂丘ドライブ。

It is by far the largest of any desert I have ever seen. But it doesn't override the beauty of any desert I've seen in the past.

今までに見たどの砂漠より圧倒的に大きい。 でも、どの砂漠の美しさも上書きはされない。

Vivid colors grow around a small lake in a desert with little color.

彩度の低い砂漠の中に小さな湖。 その傍には、鮮やかな色が育つ。

Singing, dancing, fighting. In this place without many tools, the body creates play.

歌う、踊る、格闘する。 多くの道具が無いこの場所では、身体が遊びを創造する。

Blue sky toilet (with wall)


What was targeting my lunch were silver ants that I had never seen before.


Our guide told us that the creature that had left small footprints looked like this and its name was a "Souris". I later looked up "Souris," a mysterious creature that lives in the desert, and found that it is a mouse in French.


The best tasting date palms are in the middle of the desert.


4DW like a miniature car. If a strong wind blows, it might be buried.

ミニカーみたいに4DW。 強い風が吹けば埋もれてしまいそう。

Sometimes I felt something like God.


I want to layer memories of calm and great beauty. To make the absolute peace I feel for just a moment and the certainty of being part of something more unshakable.

穏やかで大きな美しさの記憶を重ねたい。 ほんの一瞬だけ感じる絶対的な安らぎを、何かの一部になることへの確信を、もっと揺るぎないものにするために。

Looks cool in the desert because of growing up in the desert.


Thanks for driving for 3 days. His good-naturedness comes from his everyday life of meeting and parting with someone. I felt a little sad about that.

3日間、運転おつかれさま。 人当たりの良さは、出会っては別れる毎日の仕業。 それが少し寂しかった。

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