リビアの旅 LIBYA vol.7 / Leptis Magna (2010)

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- Leptis Magna  レプティス・マグナ -

The luxury of gazing into the rubble.


Roman sauna system. It's a wonder people bothered to sweat even when they were sweating much more than today.

ローマ時代のサウナシステム。 今よりずっと汗を掻いてた時代にも、わざわざ汗を掻きたい人がいた不思議。

I realize again sometimes that everything is too big.


Where I am really traveling is much deeper into consciousness. Its entrances are all over the place.

本当に旅している場所は意識のずっと奥。 その入り口は、そこらじゅうにある。

A painful time to cling to form. The short time until becoming a formless being.

形にしがみついてしまう苦しい時間。 形を持たない存在になるまでの短い時間。

Even in the sea, Rome lies.


The completion of the theater on a scale never seen before must have made everyone feel that a new era had arrived.

新時代の到来を感じたかな。 見たこともないスケールの劇場が完成して。

Even when they couldn't fly and their life span was one-fifth of what it is today, the magnitude of their happiness was probably just as great as it is today.


I was not the only one who witnessed that.


Yesterday it was a big city, today it is a walking trail for sheep.


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