コスタリカの旅 COSTA RICA vol.1 / Nosara - Ostional - Arenal Volcano (1998)


- The Border of Nicaragua & Costa Rica  国境 -

The boy knew that the value of goods and money could change drastically just by crossing a line called a border.

少年は知っていた。 国境と呼ばれる線を跨ぐだけで、物や金の価値が一変することを。

- Nosara to Ostional  ノサラからオスシオナルへ -

Biking through the forest during the rainy season was not a good idea.


- Ostional  オスシオナル -

After a peaceful sunset, I was supposed to hammock under the stars, but suddenly there was heavy rain and strong winds. I ran to a shabby watchtower on the beach and shivered as I waited for morning.

穏やかな夕暮れを味わった後は星空の下でハンモック、のはずが突然の大雨強風。 浜辺の見張り小屋に駆け込み、震えながら朝を待つことに。

A newly hatched turtle heads for the sea. Born on land, living in the sea, and giving birth on land. Will it be the sea or the land where she finally returns and sleeps after 10,000 years?

孵化したばかりの亀が、海を目指す。 陸で生まれ、海で生き、陸で産む。 還る場所は、海なのか、陸なのか。 万年の先には、どこで眠るのか。

A village resident carries baby turtles to the water's edge to prevent them from being eaten by vultures, their natural enemy. To protect the country's tourism assets and also to secure turtle eggs as food, humans are also acting as part of the food chain.

村の住民が、赤ちゃん亀を水際まで運ぶ。 天敵のハゲタカに食われてしまわぬよう。 国の観光資源保護のため。 食用の亀の卵の確保のため。 食物連鎖の一部として、人間も動く。

A boy on the beach.


- Arenal  アレナル -

At night, countless fireflies flew around beneath the crimson lava spilling from the summit. I felt about 10,000 years younger.

山頂からこぼれる真紅の溶岩。 夜更けには、その下に広がる無数の蛍。 一万年くらい若返った気がした。

Hot springs on the river with the heartbeat of an active volcano. The volcanic mud at the bottom of the river felt like it could heal all wounds.

活火山の鼓動が響く川の温泉。 川底の火山泥で、全ての傷を癒せそうな気がした。

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