リビアの旅 LIBYA vol.1 / Tripoli (2010)

- Tripoli  トリポリ -

I can't read the sign! Exciting, exciting.

看板が読めない! わくわくわくわく。

Scrap & Build

The city guide moves forward at a brisk pace. I stop at every turn.

街ガイドはずんずん進む。 僕はいちいち立ち止まる。

In the middle of everyday life, a gateway to prehistory.


Dove's nest is almost the same as it was probably a thousand years ago.


This world is full of clothes and shoes. Humans are so busy switching from one to another.

この世は服だらけの靴だらけ。 人間ばっかりとっかえひっかえ大忙し。

Under the same cloth, different patterns may be on the body. Self-expression is a human instinct.

同じ布の下で、違う模様を身体に刻んでいたり。 自己表現は人の本能。

May look like somewhere else, but it's only here.


January 2, 2010, 3:15 p.m. Libya time

2010年1月2日 15時15分 リビア時間


Making a thing to put on the top of the mosque. A job that makes God happy.

モスクのてっぺんに乗せるアレをつくる。 神様が喜ぶ仕事。

The fire, the smoke, and the rhythm are all beautiful.


In the city, the sky flows like a river, so I long for the river mouth.


vol.1  >  [vol.2]