- Tijuana to La Paz ラ・パス へ -
The bus was heading south on the California Peninsula. For about 22 hours, the reddish-brown land and countless cacti filled the windows as if they exist only to be red and green.
バスでカリフォルニア半島を南へ。 約22時間の車窓に映るのは赤茶の大地と無数のサボテン。 赤の中の緑であるためだけに存在しているかのような。
- La Paz ラ・パス -
Peace, is the name of this city.
Beer & Nachos!
The coolness of the water reminded me that I was in reality.
I suppose I've come a little far.
- to Mazatlán マサトラン へ -
Taking a ferry that crosses to the other side of the sea over the course of a day and night. A boat trip is always luxurious. Even though there are no cabins or beds, the sun is too bright during the day and the stars are too clear at night.
一昼夜かけて対岸へ渡るフェリーに乗る。 船旅は贅沢だ。 客室もベッドも無くても、昼は眩しすぎる太陽、夜は見えすぎる星。
Boat trips bring people closer together. I got drunk on deck with other travelers, dousing myself in tequila until I had no memory of it.
船旅は人と人との距離を縮める。 船で出会った旅行者たちと、記憶を無くすまでテキーラを浴び、デッキで泥酔。
vol.1 > [vol.2]