グアテマラの旅 GUATEMALA vol.1 / Quetzaltenango - San Francisco El Alto - Momostenango - San Andrés Xecul (1998)

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- The Border of Mexico & Guatemala  国境 -

A single line changes things. That is the joy of border crossing.

線一本でまるで変わる。 それが国境越えの楽しさ。

- Quetzaltenango  ケツァルテナンゴ -

Though it was a short period of time, I walked this street every morning. It was an unplanned route to school in a foreign place.

短い間だけど、毎朝この道を通った。 予期せず生まれた異国の通学路。

- San Francisco El Alto  サンフランシスコ・エル・アルト -

Friday Market.


You can let them lay eggs. Or you can roast and eat them tonight.

卵産ませるも良し。 今晩焼いて食うも良し。

You can keep them as pets. Or you can roast and eat them tomorrow.

ペットにするも良し。 明日焼いて食うも良し。

The roof of the church is where you can see everything in the village.


- Momostenango  モモステナンゴ -

A distant landscape that seemed familiar but had never been seen before.


Sunday is for Momostenango.



A person was down in the church, with such a small presence that I almost missed it.

教会の中で人が倒れていた。 見逃しそうな存在感で。

- San Andrés Xecul  サン・アンドレス・シェクル -

A place that I would never have visited if this had been a short trip.


I didn't care about the meaning or origin of the cross. I didn't need a reason for something that exists by necessity.

十字架の意味や由来なんて気にならなかった。 必然的に在るものに、理由は要らない。

After the rain, the fog covering the village feels like body heat.

雨上がり。 村を覆う霧は、体温のような肌触り。

If you come to the top of this hill, you can see the farthest.


A scene of nothingness has been lodged in my mind.


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