- Karakoram Highway カラコルム・ハイウェイ -
A long-distance bus heading south. During breaks, I chatted with passengers over chai and cigarettes. We just let each other hear each other's voices in a language we didn't mutually understand. It was like the origin of conversation.
The light of a bare bulb is the secret ingredient. It's delicious and tasty because I eat here.
If I ever take this bus again in the future, I will never see the view I am seeing now again. The sunset will never show this color, I will wake up in the middle of a different dream, and it will not be him sleeping next to me.
They talked to me throughout the long bus ride, bought me food and drinks at every rest stop. Their nosiness and affection generated nothing but gratitude and love.
- Lahore ラホール -
A town near the border. The road leading from the train station is full of secrets.
The boundary between chaos and silence.
I'm absorbed in the curves.
Just beautiful. I can't believe that somewhere someone is destroying this.
When you enter the mosque, the first thing to do is to wash your feet. You must not step into the mosque with dirty feet.
Take off the footwear at the gate and walk on the cobblestone pavement. People do not stop because the soles of their feet get burned. So the space is beautiful as it is a space.