エクアドルの旅 ECUADOR vol.2 / Quito - Mitad del Mundo - Baños (1998)

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- Quito  キト -

I feel like I came back. I also feel like I will be coming back again.


The creaking sound of the wooden floor is a proof that many people have been praying here.


Hola Amigos!

Mitad del Mundo  赤道 -

The equator was a yellow paint line.


I straddled the northern and southern hemispheres and nothing happened, in the fastest moving place on the planet.


Baños  バーニョス -

A hot spring town is relaxing, after all. Perhaps it is the steam melting into the city that reminds me of a time long ago, when I was in the warm water before I was born.


A small place of attraction, not enough to be the purpose of a visit. It was gentle on my tired eyes.


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