- Cartago カルタゴ -
In the cathedral, there was a black statue of the Virgin Mary, which is said to work miracles. Actually, no one lives without miracles.
大聖堂には奇跡を起こす黒いマリア像。 奇跡と無縁で生きてる人なんていないから。
Even in a parade in a unfamiliar city, the sound of a bugle is pleasant.
An abandoned cathedral born along with a new cathedral. A peaceful generational shift.
新聖堂と共に生まれる廃聖堂。 穏かな世代交代。
If there is a place on the earth where all the fading memories gather, it may be this abandoned cathedral.
- San José サン・ホセ -
Crowds of people allow me to stand without thinking. So I feel safe, bored, and anxious.
人混みでは、何も考えずに立っていられる。 だから安心で、退屈で、不安で。
I visited the city where a friend I met during my journey was temporarily working. The small apartment was a place to return to, born during my journey. We ate and drank together, neighbors visited from time to time, and in our spare time we spent time doodling.
旅の途中で出会った友人が一時的に働いている街を訪れた。 小さなアパートは、旅の途中に生まれた帰る場所。 一緒に食べて飲んで、時に隣人が訪れて、暇つぶしの落書きを壁にペタペタ貼ったりして。